In the center of Bishkek will be launched a countdown clock to the start of the WNG 2016
On May 15, 2016, on the central square “Ala-Too” in Bishkek will be launched a countdown clock to the start of the World Nomad Games....
Bishkek residents will arrange competitions on mass-wrestling
Sports event will be held on May 13-14 at the Kyrgyz State University named after Ishenaly Arabaev.
On May 10, in Bishkek was held a meeting with candidates for volunteers
On May 10, 2016 at the Palace of Sports named after Kaba uulu Kojomkul was held a general meeting of all candidates for volunteering who applied ...
The meeting with candidates for volunteering to the World Nomad Games 2016
On May 10, 2016 at 10:00 am, at the Sports Palace named after Kaba uulu Kojomkul will be held a general meeting of all candidates for volunteerin...

Congratulations on the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Dear Kyrgyz citizens! The Secretariat of the World Nomad Games congratulates you on the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

In Beijing, there was a presentation of the Second World Nomad Games
In Beijing (China), on May 6 there was a presentation of tourist potential of Kyrgyzstan and the Second World Nomad Games, organized by the Embas...