In the Issyk-Kul region the work of the ethnic city of Kyrchyn was summed up
Today, on September 6, a press conference with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic Ainura Temirbekova, the chief director for the Ordo of the KR regions in the ethnic city of Kyrchyn Zarylbek Moldobakirov, the director of the Issyk-Kul regional branch of the National Red Crescent Society of the Kyrgyz Republic Jyparkul Kadylalieva, the collective of the Udmurt folklore ensemble "Vyl zardon" and a musical group from Guinea was held.
The press conference began informally, participants of the international festival "The Universe of nomads", guests from Udmurtia and Guinea performed for the journalists.
Ainura Temirbekova noted that from September 3 to 6, in the framework of the III World Nomadic Games, the Kirchyn ethnographic village was opened, where it was possible to visit the Ethno Bazaar, Ordo of foreign participants, Khan Ordo, Ordo of public associations, Press Ordo, Ordo of 7 provinces of Kyrgyzstan and the cities of Osh and Bishkek.
According to Zarylbek Moldobakirov, about 1 thousand yurts have been installed in the Kyrchyn ethnic village. Ordo of each region was unique in its own way, and in each they demonstrated the customs and traditions of the Kyrgyz peoples, taking into account regional peculiarities.
Demonstration competitions were held in the traditional art of "Kochmondordun turmushtuk oyundary", in which the teams competed in various traditional types of art that were used in the life of nomadic peoples: Iyik yiru (spinning yarn), Juk jyiuu (folding blankets in a pile), " Ala Kiyiz Basuu (Making a felt carpet), Chiy Soguu (Weaving mat matting), Joo aitysh (Narrators’ Contest), Uuk Jasaluuchu Taldy Tez Archuu (Quick cleaning of a pole used to mount a yurt). More details about these kinds of competitions are in: http://www.worldnomadgames.com/ru/news/ru/V-Kyrchyne-sostoiatsia-pokazatelnye-sorevnovaniia-po-traditsionnomu-iskusstvu/
As Zarylbek Moldobakirov noted, during the competitions for making felt carpet, the female participants made a contest product for 1.5-2 hours, whereas in previous times it took 1-2 days.
Foreign tourists were also surprised by the competition for installing yurts at a speed, in which the representatives of Osh took the first place, having completed work in just 7 min.18 sec.
Also at еру press conference the representative of the Red Crescent Society of the Kyrgyz Republic Jyparkul Kadyralieva informed the journalists that in the ethnic village of Kyrchyn and other venues for WNG events, the volunteers trained by the organization, provided first aid where it was necessary., if necessary.