About Volunteering at the Third World Nomad Games

About Volunteering at the Third World Nomad Games

WNG  volunteering is a form of social service realized by free will of citizens in the selfless work within the framework of preparation and conduct of the event, which contributes to the personal growth and development of citizens performing this activity - (volunteers).

Volunteers of WNG are citizens (including foreign ones) aged 18 and over who have entered into a civil law agreement on volunteering activities of WNG who are doing voluntary and selfless work activities by applying their experience, knowledge, skills and time without receiving a monetary payment for it.

Directions of activity of the WNG volunteer - assistance in organizing and conducting the event, namely:

  • scientific block activities;
  • cultural block activities;
  • sports block Activities;
  • organizational, administrative and other issues related to the event.

Criteria for WNG volunteers:

  • foreign language skills;
  • responsibility;
  • sociability;
  • ability to work in team;
  • experience in volunteering;
  • ability to work with the public;
  • leadership skills.

Training for volunteers.  All volunteers perform general orientation sessions with information on activities of volunteers and WNG events:

  • detailed information about III World Nomadic Games
  • the role and functions of volunteers;
  • the code of conduct for volunteers;
  • safety and first aid;
  • the basics of communication;
  • diplomatic protocol and etiquette;
  • history of nomads and WNG;
  • the history of WNG locations;
  • additional training in the directions if necessary.

Becoming a Volunteer of III World Nomad Games means:

  • to take part in the largest international project of Kyrgyzstan;
  • to contribute to the development of the country;
  • to get acquainted with world celebrities;
  • to find new friends, including from foreign countries;
  • To practice foreign language with its native speakers;
  • to witness large-scaled actions at the III World Nomad Games, such as the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games, sports, cultural and scientific events.


Secretariat on Preparation and Hosting of the Third World Nomad Games  Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic  Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan